Did you know people start an average of 63,000 Google searches every minute?

Yes, it’s almost hard to believe.

You may be wondering how your brand can stand out with so many searches and websites nowadays.

One of the top ways to be seen in this sea of searches is by using press release SEO.

What is a Press Release/Media Alert, and Why is it Important for SEO?

Press releases, or media alerts, are a powerful way to announce the launch of your business, product, service, or essential updates.

Unlike announcing these updates solely on social media, a press release is a formal statement designed to place your brand in front of a wider audience. These include journalists, radio and TV stations, and more.

These types of media releases can significantly increase your brand awareness and credibility.

However, releasing a press release doesn’t necessarily guarantee you’ll receive media exposure. Aside from being well-written and explaining why your audience should care about your brand or event, it’s highly beneficial to use SEO (search engine optimization) techniques in your press release.

Why? Because press release SEO helps search engines find and rank your release and website on Google. In short, it helps move you up in search results so that customers and media outlets can find you.

SEO uses keywords to help users find your brand, so without the right keywords in your release, it may get lost in the sea of searches.

How Do I Write a Press Release that will Help Improve my Website’s SEO Ranking?

There is a ton of information surrounding the topics of SEO and press releases, so here are a few of the most essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Make your message clear within the first 250 words
  2. Hyperlink important SEO phrases and keywords
  3. Don’t use too many keywords, and keep their use natural
  4. Make sure your release is worthy of the news and important to your audience
  5. Provide links back to your website or under your contact info (if allowed)
Press release Tips Elle Marketing and Events

 SEO can have a bit of a learning curve, but these tips can help you get started in the right direction.

Should I Hire a Specialist, or Can I do Press Release SEO Myself?

Whether you should hire a SEO specialist or give it a go yourself depends on a few factors.

The first consideration is whether you have the time to learn effective SEO and effective press release writing. The second is whether your budget allows for trial and error.

Often hiring a professional from the start can help you avoid a trial and error phase of figuring out what works or not. It can get things moving for your brand and website faster and more efficiently.

Where can I Find More Information About Writing and Distributing Press Releases for SEO Purposes?

At Elle Marketing, we put your business on the digital map by optimizing your press releases and SEO. Plus, we also help get your brand in front of grassroots influencers for even more visibility.

From crafting your message to distribution, we have you covered!

Contact us here to tell your story.